Gillanders Aquatic Ecology Lab
Spencer Gulf Ecosystem Development Initiative (SGEDI)
Spencer Gulf is one of the most important economic development areas in South Australia. It is the subject of a major initiative, the Spencer Gulf Ecosystem and Development Initiative. The Initiative, led by the Environment Institute aims to help facilitate change and maintain the integrity of the Gulf, and is a multi year program delivering:
Clearer approval pathways with potential to reduce costs and time delays thus greatly assisting economic development.
Information, data, tools, capabilities and networks to assist in approval pathways.
Community support and public comments more likely to be based on evidence.
A thriving Gulf region, where progressive developments occur, community opportunity is optimised and the unique ecosystem is protected and enhanced - specifically through effective consideration of cumulative, chronic and long term environmental stresses.

The Initiative sets out to drive sound outcomes for all gulf users and the environment. It is supported with investment from both industry and government, as well as through research institutions. Corporate investment has included from BHP Billiton, Santos, Arrium, Alinta, Nyrstar, Centrex, Flinders Ports and the Fisheries Research and Development Corporation. Research partners include SARDI and Flinders University.To date the initiative has:
Identified substantial knowledge gaps with respect to the Gulf.
Engaged with a wide range of stakeholders across sectors and the regions to determine important points of focus, interest and tension.
It is delivering an integrated science program, backed with structured decision-making, so that the environmental evidence can be most easily applied for economic and social outcomes.
Using ports and shipping as a case study for
integrated marine management
Our research used ports and shipping as a case study to investigate integrated marine management in the gulf. The work:
Synthesised existing information on all current activities and impacts in Spencer Gulf
Conducted a detailed analysis of current shipping activities and predicted likely future scenarios for shipping and port development
Conducted a risk analsyis for introduction and establishment of exotic pests and pathogens under a range of future ports and shipping scenarios
Conducted a risk assessment to identify key iconic and threatened species, data deficiencies and needs, and species status for Spencer Gulf focusing particularly around shipping
Developed tools for predicting interactions of future ports and shipping scenarios with other industries
Engaged broadly and used the findings to inform managers, leaders, stakeholders, government and the broader community.
Socio-ecological assessment of the ecosystems, industries and communities
This project provided an assessment of the socio-economic status of the ecosystems, industries and communities of Spencer Gulf. The ecological, economic and social indicators established can be used to evaluate the benefits and impacts of current and future activities within and around the gulf. The approaches developed in the project will be transferable to other ecosystems. Maps developed during the project allow stakeholders, including potential investors, to efficiently obtain essential information on the environmental characteristics, existing uses and social values of sites throughout the gulf. These tools will help to streamline the preparation of applications for new developments. The final report identifies opportunities to enhance future socio-economic assessments of the gulf and further integrate the management of South Australia’s marine ecosystems. This research was funded through the Goyder Institute for Water Research, Fisheries Research and Development Corporation and the SGEDI industry partners.
Outputs to date include:
Knowledge review
Investigating shipping and cuttlefish potential impacts
Regional biodiversity management plan
2014 Stakeholder report
Interactions between whales and vessels
Econsearch cost-benefit analysis
Ecosystem model for fisheries and aquaculture in Spencer Gulf
SGEDI May 2015 update
Practical steps to implementation of integrated marine management
Giant Australian cuttlefish in Australian waters
Coastal, marine and land biodiversity adaptation to unlock economic development
Developing knowledge and tools to inform integrated management of Spencer Gulf: Case study on shipping and ports
Eight habitats, 38 threats and 55 experts: assessing ecological risk in a multi-use marine region (blog)
Anthropogenic threat assessment of marine-associated fauna in Spencer Gulf (blog)
Capturing expert uncertainty in spatial cumulative impact assessments
Visualisation tool for shipping and cumulative impacts
Cumulative impact assessment
Meta-analysis of multiple stressors on seagrasses
Evaluation of a popular spatial cumulative impact assessment method
Incorporating non-additive stressor interactions into cumulative impact assessments (to come)
Advancing integrated management of Spencer Gulf for economic, social and ecological outcomes